Board :Inquiring Minds
Author :Librarian ZenRu
Subject :Past Royal Ministers [3]
Date :4/14

<b>                      ~ Royal Ministers ~

<B>* Starrbrite [Yuri 61 - Yuri 78]

Royal Minister Starrbrite was the first ever Minister of a singular Royal Ministry. Her successful tenure led her to become perhaps the most recognized Minister in Koguryo's history.

During her time in office she was known for continuing the Santa M'hul events, the Subpath Fairs, the Poetry Revels, and celebrating King Yuri's Platinum Jubilee, during which time three unique items were distributed to the community.

Starrbrite was also responsible for the construction of King Yuri's Jeongwon and Victory Gardens, which were used during the Platinum Jubilee and many future events.

She served for twenty years.

<B>* LunaStarling [Yuri 78 - Hyul 1]

Royal Minister LunaStarling led the Ministry through the final years of King Yuri's reign. She was especially known for maintaining the Royal Revels Reading and fulfilling the many extended obligations that Minister Starrbrite had placed within the Ministry's realm of control.

Upon the death of King Yuri, LunaStarling resigned from her post.

She served for five years.

<B>* Gilley [Hyul 1 - Hyul 13]

During the first few weeks of Minister Gilley's reign, she was given the chance to lead the funeral of King Yuri, and did so with dignity and admiration. She later had the honor of hosting the royal coronation of King MuHyul, which she did with much pomp and joyousness.

Minister Gilley was also responsible for the re-opening of King Yuri's Gardens in honor and remembrance of the late king.

She served for twelve years.

<b>* Hatiki [Hyul 13 - Hyul 20]

Royal Minister Hatiki continued the same traditions of his predecessors; promoting and preserving Koguryian Culture.

Hatiki was known to be outspoken about the Tri-Kingdom Alliance and often shared his dislike for the alliance with Buya and Nagnang. He was constantly bickering with Imperial Minister Jolie of Buya and Chancellor Elyra of Nagnang.

He served for seven years.

<b>* Vales [Hyul 20 - Hyul 73]

Vales has the honor of being the longest-reigning Minister in the Nexus to date. Her long tenure saw countless events and changes - many of which were directly related to her Ministry. Early in her term, the Kingdoms entered the Blood War, and it was Vales' administration who helped broker peace and gave hope to the people of Koguryo during this tumultuous time.

Once peace returned to the lands, Vales hosted many events and Defender Ceremonies over the years. She faithfully continued to host the Royal Revels Reading every week, and her presence was always a staple of the event. Her Ministry hosted several large events as well, including the Silver and Golden Jubilees for King MuHyul.

Under Lady Vales, the Royal Ministry saw re-structuring. The Royal Minister became known as "Prime Minister," with the leaders of five different divisions becoming the respective "Ministers" of their division.

Her reign also saw the return of King MuHyul's long-lost love Yun, and her administration had the honor of organizing the Royal Wedding to much fanfare and celebration. The final years of Vale's reign saw a large remodel of the Koguryian Palace and the announcement of Queen Yun's pregnancy.

She served for fifty-three years.

<b>* Loxie [Hyul 73 - Present]